I grew up in a small town in South Carolina and was raised in the Methodist church. My grandfather was a Christian, and he lived a very dedicated life to Jesus. He was a very strong example for me and prophesied when I was a young boy that I was going to be a preacher. At that time I smiled and did not believe that would ever happen. I always believed there was a God, but He was not real in my life.
As a young adult, I became a successful businessman. I was in diversified finance for twelve years. In 1962, I had a supervisor who was not only a supervisor, but also a very dear friend, Ray Brock, who introduced me to his sister, Jane. Six months later she became my wife. Looking back, that was the beginning of God’s plan coming into my life. What a precious blessing she has been. In December of 1970, Jane started talking to a neighbor across the backyard fence, and through this relationship, Jane received Jesus and was truly born again. After Jane received Christ, her life changed so drastically. She became a very dedicated person to the Lord, and her lifestyle caused me to desire a relationship with the Lord. Through many friends, witnessing and sharing and praying, I soon realized that I wanted the Lord Jesus more than anything in my life. In 1971, I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. After receiving Jesus, I became even more successful in business through my relationship with the Lord Jesus. But as time went on, all I could think about was serving God with all of my heart and sharing Jesus. Several years later, I began to lose all interest in my profession and could not really understand what was taking place. During this time, the company transferred me to Jane’s hometown, Forest City, North Carolina. This was the hand of God for us to be transferred here, because it was here, in 1974, that God spoke to me that He had called me into the ministry. I resigned from the company, knowing this time that I was dissatisfied because I was out of the will of God and that I was called to be a minister. Jane and I began to make plans to prepare for the training that was necessary to become the ministers He had called us to be. After much prayer and supplication, God spoke to us that I was to go to Tulsa, Oklahoma.
I attended American Christian College and a Bible training center in Tulsa. Upon graduating, we moved back to North Carolina. God gave us a church to pastor, Faith Temple, and at the same time opened doors for me to travel to many countries. I spent many years traveling to over forty countries teaching and ministering God’s Word. During this time, God spoke to me that Jane was to be the pastor of the church. I went to Jane and told her that she was called to be the pastor. It was evident that God was using her to teach people how to open their hearts to the work of the Spirit in their lives. Soon after this, God spoke to us to start the Word of Faith Fellowship.
In the fall of 1979, God led me back to Tulsa to become Dean of Missions of a Bible training center. I taught as a professor in the school and traveled extensively. God spoke to me in 1985 that we were to come back to North Carolina to the Word of Faith Fellowship. I continued traveling to minister overseas while Jane pastored the church. In the church there was an outpouring of God’s Spirit. I had such a conviction in my heart that I needed to stop traveling and help Jane train God’s people. People were coming from everywhere for deliverance, and we needed every minister we could get to help them. God began to teach me how to live helping people daily on a personal basis. God spoke to me that we were to train ministers who would live godly, holy lives of righteousness. God led us to start a church in Togo which later moved to Ghana and to also apostle two churches in Brazil. God joined us closely with the three overseas churches. Over the years, we have seen great fruit in these churches that God has called us to walk with.
Later, when the major persecution came against the Word of Faith Fellowship, the attack was mainly against Jane. It was very hard for me to see what she was having to go through until I saw how much God’s grace was with her all the time. Then I understood that God was preparing her for what was ahead. The persecution got greater and greater. God’s grace was stronger and stronger on her life. She continually encouraged the church to walk in love as she walked in love. Our lives truly changed during this time.
Nothing has been more rewarding than to be in the will of God, working together with others to fulfill the plan and purpose of God. I am very grateful for all the people God has used in my life to bring me to this point. I am also very grateful for all the ministers God has sent that have stood with us and walked with us in the ministry. I am more excited than ever about the ministry that God has called Jane and me into, and I am looking forward to what God has for the future.