The Word of Faith Christian School was born from heartfelt cries to God from desperate pastors and parents who wanted to educate their children by the Spirit of God. We wanted a school where children could come to know Jesus, learn God’s ways and have an excellent spirit like Daniel, a school where children would be trained and nurtured in the admonition of the Lord, learning to walk in God’s will for their life and be the ministers Jesus called them to be. At WFCS we have no violence, no drug or alcohol problems, no fornication or pornography, no cursing or attacking of students or teachers. This is a miracle in our generation! WFCS is established in the love of Jesus, submission to God and His delegated authority. Administration, teachers, staff and students desire a holy love for the will of God. Decades ago, God taught Jane that every child can learn, and no child should ever be left behind. We have had children come to WFCS who were learning disabled, had been on behavior controlling drugs, and some were years behind their grade level academically. With every one of these students, we saw the love of God and His delivering power change each life. Each was able to break through and achieve academically. At WFCS, we believe in the power of the Word of God and prayer to change lives. Students have a teachable spirit, they pray before their tests, and trust in Jesus in every area of their life. The Word of God and prayer is the foundation of everything we do.
The Word of Faith Christian School (WFCS), established in 1989, is a private Christian school registered with the Division of Non-public Education, State of North Carolina, in Raleigh. We cooperate with all federal, state, and local agencies to provide excellence in education for each student at the Word of Faith Christian School. We use nationally recognized academic curriculum for kindergarten through twelfth grades. Along with our academic curriculum, the following programs are available to all our students: honors programs, art, computer science, driver education, foreign languages, home economics, licensed nutrition counseling, licensed speech therapy, music, physical education and recreation, piano, special education, and student health care. Our Christian school has ranked in the 90th percentile academically in a nationally recognized achievement test program. The majority of our children this year, as well as in previous years, had a 4.0 grade-point average. Of the graduates from our Christian School, over 90% have gone on to higher education. Of the Word of Faith Christian School graduates that have continued with their college and university education, 95% have achieved honors, dean’s list, or other outstanding academic achievement awards. In a previous school year, two of our graduates were recipients of the prestigious Chancellors Scholarship to University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Law School. We have some of the highest college entrance placement exam scores in the region. Our students participate in a dual enrollment program with local colleges to earn college credits while they are in high school. Students have achieved outstanding success in the college preparatory program. Upon their high school graduation, they will have completed up to two years of college credits toward their degrees.
We now have three generations in the church—those that attended the school and graduated, and now their children are in the Christian school being raised in the house of the Lord. We are living testimonies and evidence of the truth that from generation to generation the mercy of the Lord is on those who fear Him. As ministers, educators, and parents, what an overwhelming joy it is to see children and young people that want to serve God with their whole hearts. Our graduates and young people are a blessing to our church, our community, our country, and to the nations of the world that God sends them out to.