It is astonishing to see how many people John Huddle has seduced and deceived by his fictitious book Locked In. All he is doing is out of his offense and bitterness; he is preying on you. For example, he talked about all these rules he claims the church established, and none of the church members have ever been given any list of rules and had never seen them before John published them!! Apparently he did this to seduce all of you, and he is using you for financial gain. He is using this to support his fantasy of fame. We feel so sorry for him. It is beyond man’s imagination to see how a person lives a lie. It appears that he believes all of these lies, but, on the contrary, we are a very happy family serving God. We did not leave John—he left us. He got mad because I was pressuring him to get a job and go to work so he could support his family, and he got mad and left. Therefore, it was not a church issue—this was a domestic issue.
He has taken as his agenda to try to
destroy us, our church, and our pastors,
while he preys on your finances and your
attention. We feel sorry for you and feel
sorry for him. If you would like to hear
more, please go to our YouTube channel:
WFF Speaks Out.